Thesis Proposal

Is there a way to make a connection between virtual world and real world? Will that make virtual world be another dimension of real world or blur the border of virtual and reality? Thinking about these questions, I came up with a thesis idea of creating a connection between physical world and virtual world.

The form of presenting this idea will be a physical installation and a Virtual reality experience powered by Oculus rift. In order to make a connection, the physical installation and the Oculus will show a same thing in different forms. There will also be communications between this two dimensions when player do actions. For instance,  the stuff we showing in the two dimension is a cube. When player put a hand on the physical device, the player might see a hand-shaped mark on the face of that cube in Oculus. Player may put on and take off Oculus repeatedly during the experience. This form provides possibilities of creating puzzles and narratives.


keep talking and nobody explodes

the room

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